Monday, March 30, 2009

25 random things aboout me

Ok, so I copied this from facebook, but I thought it was relevant!

1. I am a night owl and hardly sleep! 2. I just want to have fun...ALL the time!!! 3. have been trying to move to a warm climate for over 20 yrs, but seem to be to be trapped here! 4. I am not smarter than a fifth grader...and didn't really want to do it again! 5. I adopted my kids from a tropical island and so that they could be raised in the frozen tundra! 6. I probably need a booster seat to ride safely in a vehicle, (I'll Just borrow my daughters old one)! 7. I Always take care of everyone! 8. I Need Alice from the brady bunch ASAP! 9. Got all "F"s at the Domestic Diva Academy 10. Champagne is my favorite 11. I really want a boat 12. I REALLY want a hot guy that has a hot boat 13. I REALLY want a hot guy that has a hot boat that isn't an ass! 14. Would like to find my purpose in life 15. Always tell people to be careful because if something bad happened and I didn't tell them I would feel guilty forever!! Most people know to be careful without me telling them...I know! 16. I Love to watch my kids in sports and dance 17. I love Sushi but now worry that I will ingest too much mercury 18. I Went to boarding school senior year, The Andrews School for girls 19. I wanted to be a doctor 20. love diet dr pepper 21. I no longer use salt 22. I think if I wasn't a bitch Id be boring:) 23. I sang the national anthem at a CAVS game, and the IX center for the Marines homecoming celebration 24. I like the boys in the band! 25. I sang back up for Micheal Buble'

1 comment:

  1. I'm not smarter than a 5th grader either...or a 3rd grader for that matter!!!

    wish i was on that tropical island!!!
